Sunday, July 31, 2016

What's happening at my place

We've had rain recently (a lot of it) and since then it's been unseasonably warm. My asparagus thinks it's spring even though I'm sure it's going to get cold again. For the last couple of years I have not really been good to my asparagus bed and this year I had fully intended to cut it back and mulch it as soon as it got cold. However, I've only done one bed already so today I started to to tidy the second bed. I did run out of time, but I've weeded all the couch and the next job is to cut back the ferns, put on some compost and mulch hay.

My lime tree has been producing so many limes for a while now and there's still quite a few on the tree and it's flowering again. Just about every meal has lime included somehow, even if it's only in some soda water to drink!
Lately I don't bother to pick the limes until they start to colour. Makes it easier to see them in the tree.

We are eating some veg out of the garden too, although I did stock up at the markets this weekend just to make sure we have some variety and because my garden can't supply enough. One day........
I found a couple of capsicums amongst my chillies. I had two plants but I thought they were both chillies. Pleasant surprise.

I'm making pretty good bread lately (sourdough) and tonight I did a free form loaf and it looks pretty good! I use khorasan (kamut) flour, which is an old variety of wheat, a bit like spelt, but I think it makes a much nicer loaf than spelt. I use a rye starter, which is just about impossible to ruin and just about always comes up nice and bubbly.

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